
Next thing on my to do list — take a professional portrait.

Hello! I’m Udeme ‘Lucie’ Ebong – (Preferred name: Lucie or Lucie-Udeme), I’m the creator of My Smart Biz and Me. I like to help every would-be entrepreneurs live their dreams. I am passionate to inspire others and I love all things business.

I don’t claim to know the secret to running a successful business, I don’t consider myself as the business expert, I don’t have unique techniques; but what I do have are a very particular set of skills (sounds like a scene in the movie Taken right!), skills I have acquired from doing what I do now, that is: running my own small businesses, supporting entrepreneurs and small business owners, as an Independent Consultant – and I speak only from my experience.



I started my career with Hitachi Data Systems after graduating from Imperial College Business School. I was working as a Technology Solutions Consultant, and then I moved back to Nigeria for NYSC. I never had plans of undertaking the National Youth Service Corps, to me it was a waste of time, and I wasn’t really going to spend a year doing something that pays me a lot less than my job in the UK. Eventually I started my first lifestyle business in Nigeria, and so I had to register for the NYSC.

It turns out that leaving work and really exciting job offers in the UK for a year, wasn’t such a bad thing.  There’s so much untapped potential in Nigeria, and having had a great work experience in the UK, I decided to spread my wings and learn how to fly as an Independent Consultant. I’ve since been able to develop a progressive career in Professional and Business services, designing and delivering business services and solutions in order to meet client objectives.

Click here to read my full story in detail, including how I started and what I am up to now.



For two years now, I have been helping a lot of people (75% close friends and families) live the entrepreneurial dream, and I have learnt so much in the process. I’d love to help more people directly, and now I believe I can with this blog.

I am working on launching a new lifestyle business called Smart Biz Services, I am so passionate about this idea, I have tried it before, but never could get it started, but now I can. So I will blog here about my journey, my mistakes, failures and lessons learnt; inspirational success stories, FAQs. I will also provide business tips and practical advice to help you get started.

If you’re already doing business, I hope you will find the content useful, if you’re not doing business but thinking about it, you can learn a lot from my experience, and I am confident you’d spread your wings too. But If you are looking for information on ‘how to get a job’,  you’ve come to the wrong place – but stay tuned, I’d love to help you become self-employed.

The aim of this blog is simple –  to publish content that works for me, that could also help you turn your good ideas into a great lifestyle business too.

I have only tried/run a business in two countries (the UK and Nigeria), so the people in these countries will find the content more useful. For the rest of the people who come across this blog, I hope you will find the content useful too, and I will try as much as possible to discuss/share information on running a business anywhere in the world, and guidelines for Expats looking to do business in Nigeria.



In addition to helping people live their dreams, I love watching movies and TV series – my favourites are superhero and supernatural movies/series, I love action and comedy too. I love designing, including web design, apps, and I recently learnt tailoring and a lot of cool DIYs. Did I mention I love kids? I LOVE CHILDREN, I don’t have any yet. Fortunately, I have a lot of tiny little cousins and nieces/nephews I can’t get enough of and they all love me.

Please feel free to send me an email or say hi to me on social media (links below). Also please  follow my blog and subscribe to my newsletter for updates and exclusive giveaways.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, please remember to stay in touch!

Warm Regards,

Lucie – Udeme

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Email me: ue.godwin@gmail.com. Connect with me: Twitter/ Linkedin / Facebook

Take a look at my work: CampAmazing / ShopFabz / Smart Biz Services

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